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 For you guys who are satisfied with the present situation

The future that you will have,
Is it really "the best choice"?

What about those questions.
Can the job hunting site know about the companies?
Is the booklet able to tell you the passion of companies?

" No matter what you think, The answer is NO."


Minor companies do not often post it.
Only the company information is included in the booklet. No feeling there.
There is no interconnection or mechanism between the companies and us.

That's why I made it for us.
First, we gathered people who are from companies with a hot philosophy.
Not only listening to their passion · real story
but also i made a chance to discuss and learn about companies.
I’m really sure that such a this kind of chance is really rare.


Of course not only that!.
I tried to call a lot of municipalities.
We can deliver our opinion directly to Kitakyushu.
We let Kitakyushu involve whole thing such as
environment / structure, everyone.
And you guys.
While saying 'Gakken city Hibiki'
Three university students who had no relationship at all.
Let's stop to say science and research park only by name.

The time has come to connect each other.
Let's connect with three universities, take a step forward and broaden your network! ! !

Well, it's not a traditional way.

Why don’t you choose「the best choice」now!

Win-win conference



The work has no meaning without passion.

Well, the next event
While writing down your lots of ideas with sticky notes
make a creative proposal!!
The theme is "The new way of how to connect with companies"
Let’s try to figure out how to know all of the passion

by together! ! !


Students / companies / municipalities
Make each one group consist of person who is from each part
We will have a discussion.
In other words,
· We can do practice of discussions with companies
· You will get worthwhile right away.
Let 's get along with a person from company!.



It is a guilty if you don’t know it.

I know major company is good but

Feels like minor company is quite delicate

However, think about carefully!

How can you say that major company is good?

Even you do not know anything about minor company.


So I wanna tried to research minor companies.
But, in general, when I search in famous web site, but

I couldn’t get some clues of it..
Originally, it is hard to connect with minor company.
(Please come and ask me why on the event!)
The brochure contains only usual company information.
There is no attraction of minor company anywhere.

So I made it.
"Hot hot hot Talk Show"
Lets’ ask Everyone's curiosity

to the minor companies in real.

if you wanna know about, let's hit by yourselves in your best way

winwin conference 2017


The chief of

Win Win Conference Executive Committee

Boia (Ayaka)

I would like to develop a program that makes everyone happy.
It was a start when I arrived at the Sri-Lanka, I thought that it is necessary that comprehensive improvement of program is important to solve a problem. Currently I’m interested in structure of microorganism and I’m feeling love and tear of impression of its survival strategy and doing research at Kyushu Institute of Technology. My hobby is watching orchestra and dating with colon bacterium

Application from here ↓
Here is just submission for the temporary entry. Entry will be finished when you got the confirmation mail. Please note. As the number of participants is limited, hurry!





Participation fee: 500 yen
Only 20 Japanese and 20 international students!


Next Meetup
Past Events


​eating and drinking

you could not talk during the event
you can talk with a company when you have interested in.
For the student who has no any exchange between 3 universities

Even you are walk trough everyday.

Let’s have a talk! ! !

Let’s try to broaden your network to all over the world.

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